Moroccan Riad


歡迎來到我的數位花園,這裡目前正在建置整理的當中,若有稍微混亂的狀況還請多包涵。 我稱自己的花園為 Riad,Riad 源自於摩洛哥的傳統建築,在...

Jan 1, 2023 發布 · Oct 3, 2024 更新 · 2 分鐘 · 犬山 祈

Es Verb

Grammar Imperfect Tense | Preterite Conjugations |

Aug 22, 2024 發布 · Oct 3, 2024 更新 · 1 分鐘 · 犬山 祈

Markdown Note

Foot Note Show me the foot note 1 Link Variable Link name This is a foot note. ↩︎

Aug 8, 2024 發布 · Oct 3, 2024 更新 · 1 分鐘 · 犬山 祈

Build Confidence

6 Behaviors to Increase Your Confidence (Emily Jaenson) Count yourself in Countdown from 3 seconds What if you only had to be brave for a total of 20 seconds? Give yourself a 20 seconds courage. Take a seat at the table. Cheer for other people’s success. Good for her, not for me. Bolster your confidence a new activity through your already great performance in another. What are you really good...

Aug 8, 2024 發布 · Oct 3, 2024 更新 · 1 分鐘 · 犬山 祈

Spanish Adverbs

Spanish English arriba upstairs/above abajo downstairs/ under/below detras behind final end dentro inside fuera outside enfrente in front después after antes before

Aug 6, 2024 發布 · Oct 3, 2024 更新 · 1 分鐘 · 犬山 祈

Taiwan's Core Value

Articles 從小被「洗腦」台灣比不上國外,但「我們為何自卑?」 | 換日線 | LINE TODAY 這個小小的實驗讓人瞬間看穿台灣人根深蒂固的自卑感-風傳媒 居台五年・我眼中的...

Jul 28, 2024 發布 · Oct 3, 2024 更新 · 1 分鐘 · 犬山 祈

System Design

System Design Considerations Reliability(可靠性) Adversity Fault Failure Scalability(擴充性) Load Performance Elasticity Maintainability(維護性) Operability Simplicity Evolvability API Architecture Styles SOAP: XML-based for...

Jul 14, 2024 發布 · Oct 3, 2024 更新 · 1 分鐘 · 犬山 祈
Admiral William H. McRaven

If You Cant Do the Little Things Right

If you can’t do the little things right, you will never do the big things right. ― Admiral William H. McRaven 中文翻譯 Speech President Powers, Provost Fenves, Deans, members of the faculty, family and friends and most importantly, the class of 2014. Congratulations on your achievement. It’s been almost 37 years to the day that I graduated from UT. I remember a lot of...

Jun 28, 2024 發布 · Oct 3, 2024 更新 · 7 分鐘 · 犬山 祈
Dress Shirt

White Shirt Maintenance

Keywords ワイシャツ 襟汚れ ワイシャツ 黄ばみ 簡単に襟汚れを落とす方法 食器用洗剤を使って洗う セスキ炭酸ソーダを使う 重曹とクエン酸の中和作用を利用する 襟汚...

May 10, 2024 發布 · Oct 3, 2024 更新 · 1 分鐘 · 犬山 祈

Handkerchief Maintenance

Keywords ハンカチ 洗濯 ハンカチ お手入れ 方法 ハンカチ 保ち方 ハンカチ 変色 ハンカチ 黒ずみ タオル 黒ずみ 重曹 黒ずみを落とす方法 重曹のつけ置き洗い 40~50℃の...

Apr 19, 2024 發布 · Oct 3, 2024 更新 · 1 分鐘 · 犬山 祈