aaahlike the a in “father”
bbebaylike the English b but pronounced very softly
ccesaybefore a, o, u, like the c in “can”; before e, i, like the c in “cent”
chchechaylike the ch in “church”
ddedaylike d in “bed” but with tongue forward, almost like thin “the”
eeaylike the ay in “pay”
fefeay-faylike the English f
ggehaybefore a, o, u, like g in “get”; before e, i, like an English h
hhacheah-chayalways silent
iieelike ee in “feet”
jjotaho-talike the English h
kkakahlike the English k
leleay-laylike the English l
llelleay-yaylike the y in “yes”
memeay-maylike the English m
neneay-naylike the English n
ñeñeay-nyaylike the ny in “canyon”
ooohlike the o in “no”
ppepaylike the English p
qcukoolike the English k
rereay-raylike the English r but softer, almost sounds like a d
rrerreay-rraystrongly trilled
seseay-saylike the English s
ttetaylike the English t
uuoolike the oo in “pool”
vuveoo-vayalmost no difference between b and v in Spanish
wuve dobleoo-vay do-blaylike the English w
xequisay-keeslike the English x
yyeyaylike the English y; like ee in “tree” when used alone
zzetasay-talike the English s
