TypeScript 提供型別檢查;XState 則控制流程邏輯檢查 1
有限狀態機 Finite-state machine
Necessary Parts In A Machine
: machine identifierinitial
: initial statecontext
object: local context for entire machinestates
object: state definitions
Optional Parts In A Machine
: the mapping of action names to their implementationdelays
: the mapping of delay names to their implementationguards
: the mapping of transition guard (cond) names to their implementationservices
: the mapping of invoked service (src) names to their implementationactivities
(deprecated): the mapping of activity names to their implementation
States 狀態
State Node Types
Transient State Node 過場狀態
Transient state nodes are useful for determining which state the machine should really go to from a previous state based on conditions. They are most similar to choice pseudostates in UML.
The best way to define a transient state node is as an eventless state, and an always transition. This is a transition where the first condition that evaluates to true is immediately taken.
Events 事件
An event is what causes a state machine to transition from its current state to its next state.
Definition of Events
const timerEvent = {
type: "TIMER", // the convention is to use CONST_CASE for event names
// equivalent to { type: 'TIMER' }
const timerEvent = "TIMER";
const keyDownEvent = {
type: "keydown",
key: "Enter",
Transitions 轉換
Transitions define how the machine reacts to events.
Transition 的兩個參數:
const lightMachine = createMachine({
/* ... */
const greenState = lightMachine.initialState;
// determine next state based on current state and event
const yellowState = lightMachine.transition(greenState, { type: "TIMER" });
// => 'yellow'
Hierarchical State 階層狀態
In statecharts, states can be nested within other states. These nested states are called compound states.
Parallel State 平行狀態
A parallel state node is specified on the machine and/or any nested compound state by setting type: 'parallel'
狀態圖 State Chart
XState 狀態機:紅綠燈(簡易版)
import { createMachine, interpret } from "xstate";
type TrafficLightEvent = { type: "NEXT" };
type TrafficContext = undefined;
type TrafficLightState =
| { context: undefined; value: "green" }
| { context: undefined; value: "yellow" }
| { context: undefined; value: "red" };
export const trafficLightMachine = createMachine<TrafficContext, TrafficLightEvent, TrafficLightState>({
id: "trafficLight",
initial: "red",
states: {
green: {
on: { NEXT: "yellow" },
red: {
on: { NEXT: "green" },
yellow: {
on: { NEXT: "red" },
XState 教學資源
- “Just Use Props”: An opinionated guide to React and XState - DEV Community
- XState 新手教學 - Finite State Machine | J.H. Blog
- darrylhebbes/awesome_xstate: Everything awesome about XState
- xstate 在 react 中,不同的引入方式分別有何好處 | Wildsky F.
- XState:都 1202 年了,不会真有人还在用假的状态管理库吧? - 知乎
- 状态管理新思路:有限状态机在前端的应用 - mdnice 墨滴
- statelyai/xstate-next-ts-tutorial
- Devessier/todo-app-xstate-react: Simple todo list application made with XState and Next.js
- kyleshevlin/intro-to-state-machines-and-xstate-course: An introduction to state machines and Xstate course
- React & XState Tutorial #1 - Intro and setup - YouTube
- Getting Started with XState, React, and Typescript, Pt. 1 - YouTube
- XState, React, and Typescript 101 Tutorial | Pt. 2 - YouTube
- Getting Started with XState, React, and Typescript, Pt. 3 - YouTube
- Introduction to State Machines Using XState | egghead.io
- XState React TypeScript Template - CodeSandbox
- An Introduction to XState in TypeScript - DEV Community
- Tutorials | XState Docs
- Getting Started with XState, React and Typescript - Modus Create
- Introducing: TypeScript typegen for XState
- XState Catalogue
- Stately
TypeScript gives you type safety, and XState gives you logical safety. ↩︎