TypeScript 提供型別檢查;XState 則控制流程邏輯檢查 1

有限狀態機 Finite-state machine


Necessary Parts In A Machine

  • id: machine identifier
  • initial: initial state
  • context object: local context for entire machine
  • states object: state definitions

Optional Parts In A Machine

  • actions: the mapping of action names to their implementation
  • delays: the mapping of delay names to their implementation
  • guards: the mapping of transition guard (cond) names to their implementation
  • services: the mapping of invoked service (src) names to their implementation
  • activities (deprecated): the mapping of activity names to their implementation

States 狀態

State Node Types

  • atomic
  • compound
  • parallel
  • final
  • history

Transient State Node 過場狀態

Transient state nodes are useful for determining which state the machine should really go to from a previous state based on conditions. They are most similar to choice pseudostates in UML.

The best way to define a transient state node is as an eventless state, and an always transition. This is a transition where the first condition that evaluates to true is immediately taken.

Events 事件

An event is what causes a state machine to transition from its current state to its next state.


Definition of Events

const timerEvent = {
  type: "TIMER", // the convention is to use CONST_CASE for event names

// equivalent to { type: 'TIMER' }
const timerEvent = "TIMER";

const keyDownEvent = {
  type: "keydown",
  key: "Enter",

Transitions 轉換

Transitions define how the machine reacts to events.


Transition 的兩個參數:

  • state:轉換的狀態
  • event:轉換觸發的事件
const lightMachine = createMachine({
  /* ... */

const greenState = lightMachine.initialState;

// determine next state based on current state and event
const yellowState = lightMachine.transition(greenState, { type: "TIMER" });

// => 'yellow'

Hierarchical State 階層狀態

In statecharts, states can be nested within other states. These nested states are called compound states.

Parallel State 平行狀態

A parallel state node is specified on the machine and/or any nested compound state by setting type: 'parallel'.


狀態圖 State Chart

XState 狀態機:紅綠燈(簡易版)

import { createMachine, interpret } from "xstate";

type TrafficLightEvent = { type: "NEXT" };

type TrafficContext = undefined;

type TrafficLightState =
  | { context: undefined; value: "green" }
  | { context: undefined; value: "yellow" }
  | { context: undefined; value: "red" };

export const trafficLightMachine = createMachine<TrafficContext, TrafficLightEvent, TrafficLightState>({
  id: "trafficLight",
  initial: "red",
  states: {
    green: {
      on: { NEXT: "yellow" },
    red: {
      on: { NEXT: "green" },
    yellow: {
      on: { NEXT: "red" },


XState 教學資源





  1. TypeScript gives you type safety, and XState gives you logical safety. ↩︎