The Fingers (Los dedos)
Es | En | Ja |
pulgar | thumb | 親指 |
índice | index | 人差し指 |
corazón | middle | 中指 |
anular | ring | 薬指 |
meñique | pinky | 小指 |
Los dedos de la mano (The name of the fingers) #Spanish
— mkSpanish (@mkSpanish) February 28, 2020
Body Parts
En | Es |
(the) head | (la) cabeza |
(the) hair | (el) pelo |
(the) neck | (el) cuello |
(the) chest | (el) pecho |
(the) arm | (el) brazo |
(the) finger | (el) dedo |
(the) foot | (el) pie |
(the) face | (la) cara |
(the) eye | (el) ojo |
(the) hand | (la) mano |
(the) nose | (la) nariz |
(the) mouth | (la) boca |
(the) leg | (la) pierna |
(the) knee | (la) rodilla |