System Design
System Design Considerations Reliability(可靠性) Adversity Fault Failure Scalability(擴充性) Load Performance Elasticity Maintainability(維護性) Operability Simplicity Evolvability API Architecture Styles SOAP: XML-based for...
System Design Considerations Reliability(可靠性) Adversity Fault Failure Scalability(擴充性) Load Performance Elasticity Maintainability(維護性) Operability Simplicity Evolvability API Architecture Styles SOAP: XML-based for...
If you can’t do the little things right, you will never do the big things right. ― Admiral William H. McRaven 中文翻譯 Speech President Powers, Provost Fenves, Deans, members of the faculty, family and friends and most importantly, the class of 2014. Congratulations on your achievement. It’s been almost 37 years to the day that I graduated from UT. I remember a lot of...
只有真誠不欺的善意,才能所向無敵。面對世界上最邪惡的人,如果能不斷釋出善意,在對方想傷害你的時候適時指出他的錯誤,對方又能對你如何呢? &nd...
讓心靈平靜最好的方法,就是不要犯錯。自制力不足的人,人生必定亂成一團、麻煩不斷。 –塞內卡
Keywords ワイシャツ 襟汚れ ワイシャツ 黄ばみ 簡単に襟汚れを落とす方法 食器用洗剤を使って洗う セスキ炭酸ソーダを使う 重曹とクエン酸の中和作用を利用する 襟汚...